Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Check If My Domain Name Is Available?

A domain name is an online public identity of a brand used by users to find your business website on the internet. It needs to be highly appropriative in the sense of defining your business and being remembered in the words of people. And suppose what? You found a perfect domain name for your business that exactly relate with the organization’s purpose and vision and it’s catchy as well, but unavailable, which is quite possible to be considered.

There are billions of live website available on the internet, so there is a heavy probability that your competitor or someone with similar services, as of yours, might have already purchased that domain name, which you thought you’ll get very easily. This is why it’s highly recommended to have checked if your desired domain name is available or not.  

Why Domain Name is a must to have a thing
There are service providers who allow you to a set up your blog or a simple basic webpage for free. But it should not be a preferred choice because in such case your site's domain becomes the subpart or subdomain of the main website of your service provider. Owning a subdomain for an individual business negatively impacts brand value.

So, for setting up a full-fledged website you need to buy a unique domain name and get it registered on your name for using it exclusively for the period you have paid. If you want to enjoy the process effortlessly get it renewed on a regular basis

How to check Domain name Availability
An already registered domain can’t be reregistered by someone else. The easiest method to check if a domain name is available or not is performing a web search. It’s simple, type in the domain you want along with the top-level domain, or TDL such as .com or .net or .in and you’ll get results that your searched domain name is already registered or not.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to redirect website from HTTP to HTTPS?

If you have experience & knowledge about how to rank your website on Google search results, you might also be aware of the list of stuff that can affect the ranking of a site. After the chrome 69 update, Google Chrome started to display sites as “Not Secure” if the site doesn’t have SSL certificates. Since then it has become essential for every website owner to have an SSL certificate because Google algorithm does consider them while ranking website.

If your website doesn’t have an SSL certificate, it might experience a downfall in its ranking. To keep the safety up to the mark, you need to have to get SSL certificates installed and redirect HTTP to HTTPS. The process of redirection involves editing the .htaccess file. It has all the guidelines to tell the server, how to behave in certain cases.
Out of all stated edicts in the .htaccess file, you need to focus upon two key directives i.e Redirects and Rewriting URLs. As far as the concern is editing the file, there are numerous ways you can adopt to do the job.

  1. You can edit the file on your computer and then upload it to the server using FTP.
  2. You can remotely access & edit the .htaccess file using the edit option within the FTP.
  3. You can use cPanel and edit the .htaccess file through the File Manager, which is an extensively used method.
  4. Below is a PHP function code another alternative method. 

< ?php
functionredirectTohttps() {
if($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]!=”on”) {
$redirect= “https://”.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
header(“Location:$redirect”); } }

  While editing the .htaccess file you need to add the forth code.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

And after uploading the .htaccess file it is important to ensure that the permissions are set properly. This code intentionally asks the server to use mod_rewite for searching if HTTPS is active or not, and if not then apply it accordingly.